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Monday, May 26, 2008

What is Islam?

Assalamualaikum wbt

There are two oppinions about "What is Islam?". Some people said it meant "Peace", some said "Submission". Which one is right? I did research about it, but unfortunately i'm not an arabic whose learnt padesh(in russian meant tenses). What i found is, there's two debates. I'm sorry if i took your copyright, but i'll put where i got this info.


Here the two debate. Let we read bout it.

Islam simply means to achieve peace - peace with God, peace with oneself, and peace with the creations of God - through wholly giving oneself God and accepting His guidance.

Islam means submission not peace...I don't know some guys of Arabic background don't know that!! (:
Islam is from verb "Aslam, Yoslim" and from root "Sal'lama, Yosa'limo", and can be used this verb to mean surrounder. Islam is noun and means submission. Salam means peace, but has no relation to Islam as word.


means submission. derived from the root S.L.M. Muslims believe that it is the first religion, from Adam, Noah, Abraham, etc. See also SURRENDER.

Some have also said that Islam means peace, but there is no evidence of such a usage of the word, and Muslims have not substantiated this. Muhammad used to send letters to various rulers of the surrounding countries and tribes, inviting them to surrender to God, and to believe in him as a messenger of God. He always ended his letters with "Aslem, Taslam!", which means "surrender and you will be safe".

See Islam & Peace and Chapter Two of Behind the Veil.

Which one you guys think the very best answer? For me, in my oppinion, i prefered number 2 ( ). It's the answer by someone whose using name EX-Muslim. Thanks, maybe you are a muslim, maybe you are not, but, a lot answers you replied in YA showed that you really know a lot about Islam. May Allah SAW bless you, and show you the truth road, insyaAllah. I'll always pray for you.

Drop comments if there's any mistake, because i'm only a human being. Thanks.